Life Cycle of an Acorn








 The end


 Buried deep within…


 In the Creator’s care…


 Inside a hard exterior…


 A kernel of hope…


 In the darkness…


 A loving plan…


Seen by the Maker…


 In the beginning

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As I bend my knee,

I bend my heart.

I lean into You.


As you bless me,

I yield to You.

I surrender my plans.


As some call me weak,

I lay aside my burdens.

I trust Your strength.


As things fall apart,

I am at peace.

I rest in Your care.


As the darkness comes,

I am held in Your hands.

I do not fear.


As I am liberated,

I wonder at Your power.

I am free to be.


As the world thinks

I am broken down,

I am broken open.

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In the winter of my soul,

I slipped into darkness--

A gap of uncertainty.

Just one of many

Searching for the Light.


Once I was sky high,

Gloriously looking down

On the world below--

Self-reliant and carefree.

Now, do You see me?


Perhaps my crevice of despair

Is a cleft of protection?

Sheltered as a chick under a wing

Relying more on You

And less on me.


Here You will peel away

My proud exterior,

Giving me a safe place to grow,

Where reliance on You

Brings peace and calm.


In the darkness,

I become smaller

For You to be greater.

I feel the warmth of Your presence

Even when I cannot see the Sun.


When I emerge

From my cocoon of care,

I am no longer the same.

In humility, made low.

In Power, exalted.


Turning my eyes to the Sun

I remember that

Restoration starts in the abyss,

Where the shine of pride finally dims.

Creation begins in the dark.

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Tiny green tendrils poke out

The first ray on the horizon

A twig in a robin’s beak

Tulips slowly opening

The chatter of squirrels

Hope comes in the morning


First there is darkness

An obstacle insurmountable

An affliction incurable

A task impossible

A foe unbeatable

For who hopes for what one sees


The cracks let in the light

Breaking away

Breaking down

Breaking open

Breaking free

Plans to give you hope and a future


Then a glimmer of what could be

Inspiring endurance

Renewing strength

Holding unswervingly

Sustaining faithfully

Hope is in His unfailing love



“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12

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What the world sees of me

Can be prickly and course

On guard to keep others out

Defenses to prevent despair


Other parts of my hard shell

Are made smooth from years of conflict

Like a stone worn down by

Turning in turbulent waters


My exterior is my protection

Yet when I allow You to crack open

My strong outer defenses

Inside is a seed longing to be freed


You created me with divine purpose

But I cannot see Your perfect plan

Without peeling away the layers

The world has forced to harden


Desperately I need the

Wind of Your spirit to break me

Free from my old attachments

Moving me to a place of growth


From where I now rest

Humbled by my station

You will nourish me

Stronger than before


And the gift of living water

Will cause my soul to swell

And my fruitfulness to grow

Until I can hide it no longer


I will be transformed

No longer the same

The legacy of generations

Creation made to create


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How does the sapling know which way to grow?

Does it question why it has to be so?


Does it offer its own suggested advice?

Does it provide its own plan that should suffice?


Does it aimlessly ramble with no place to go?

Does the sprout pout when it cannot run the show?


No, the sapling is obedient in all of its deeds.

Obedient to seek the nourishment it needs.


Obedient to stand firm in the winds of strife.

Obedient to the connections required for life.


Obedient to the warmth of the shining Sun.

Obedient to its design by the Holy One.


For the depth of our roots

Sets how high we can shoot.


Devotion in darkness makes us able

To grow strong, sturdy, and stable.


Diligent in the work others do not see;

Leaning into who we are created to be.


Realizing we are no longer the same,

Ready to go by a different name.


For we may have free will, you see;

Yet God’s way alone truly will free.


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 In the feathered nest

Exhausted chicks emerge

Tiny squeaks of struggle

Discarded protective shell

Freedom to fly


The cocoon is safe

Yet still dark

Struggle in seclusion

Makes new wings

Strong enough to survive


Compression in the canal

Liquid leaving lungs

The breath of life

Breaks forth with a wail

Entering the unknown


Bulbs planted deep

Time in solitude

Prevents desiccation

Buried in darkness

Raised to new life


A body broken

A mother’s lament

The darkness descends

A cry of anguish

It is finished


An empty tomb

Discarded cloths

Breakfast on the beach

A familiar voice

It has begun


No reward without challenge

No strength without struggle

No new life without pain

No resurrection without loss

No beginning without ending


At the branch’s tip

A new bud emerges

The cycle begins again

Creation exclaims Alleluia

Revel in the wonder


Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? Isaiah 43:19


Opening a new book

Warm chocolate chip cookies

First sips of a hot beverage

First dips in a cool pool

Snow days


Walking into Granny B’s kitchen

College acceptance letters

The last day of school

The first day of school

Belly laughs


Crossing the finish line

A new bird at the feeder

Seafood fresh from the ocean

Clothes fresh from the dryer



Finding the lost LEGO piece

Light through stained glass

Knowing every word to a song

Knowing every line on a face

Mountain vistas


Turning the double play

A letter from an old friend

Freshly mowed yards

Freshly popped corn

Season premieres


Sinking the long putt

Pine straw on forest floors

Crescent moons

Crescent rolls

Sea breeze


Listening to wind chimes

Candy in a glass dish

The color of blue in the sky

The color of blue in their eyes



Ordinary is Extraordinary.



Left Behind


To My Son on the Eve of His 13th Birthday